This represents the stage of healing where one is able to rise above the perceived suffering and oppression to be the uniqueness and true expression of self. No matter how others may have tried to oppress the true essence of who you be or when you have oppressed this within yourself out of fear and conforming. The ability to be the beacon of light in darkness is one of the most important spiritual lessons of our time. Stepping into love and forgiveness and releasing bitterness of heart allows you the freedom to be yourself from a place of neutrality and indifference. This essence gives you the strength and resilience to work through the passage of darkness and rise up and above to be the gift you be to this world.
‘I shine my light for others to see’
Key themes:
Strength/ endurance/ resilience
Mastery of self/ uniqueness
Death/ rebirth/ polarity
Rising up/ stepping into self
Birth that comes out of suffering/ struggle
Emotional/ behavioural disharmonies:
This is for those feeling oppressed by others and/or life, riding through times of struggle and darkness, bitterness or unforgiveness of the heart, rising up through adversity.
Raw Materials: Grandfather Gum, Rainbow Cactus, Hedgehog Cactus, Star Leaf
Supporting Frequencies: Ostara, Christ Consciousness, Golden ray
Anointing Point: Higher heart chakra
Dosage Amount: 5 drops per day under tongue. Can also be diluted in water, added to bath or placed on pulse points (back of wrist).