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Spring Ceremony

Cacao and Yarrow invite you to step into the garden of your soul as we work with the fertile codes of Spring to plant your soul seeds for the coming year.

Spring beckons forth new beginnings, fertility, inspiration and vision for our dreams. Together we will harness these energies and journey into the depths of self to rebalance our elemental bodies and nurture our newly seeded prayers.

We will also explore themes around the Wood element of Spring with grounded rituals and tools for elemental harmony. A ceremonial pack will be provided for ritual integration.

We will co-create in a three hour sacred ceremony, held in Mansfield, Victoria on Sunday the 29th of September (1pm – 4pm).

This ceremony will be held within the White Dragon Lineage Sacred Space Weaver template and held in a Celtic medicine wheel.

When: Sunday 29th of September,  1:00pm - 4:00pm

Where: Mansfield, Victoria

Cost: $155