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The Gift of You with Lady Pomegranate

As we enter the descent into the darker months, we too are invited to descend into self as we go inwards to our own inner underworld.  It is here where the gift of you lies.  Under each and every soul seed that contains both shadow and light. 

Lady Pomegranate is a deep and rich medicine that leaves no seed unturned as she takes you to the inner most crevasses of self where all parts reside - the shadows, the lost dreams, the suppressed grief.  As we work through the inner layers of self we find the gifts that lay dormant and the true expression of self waiting to be seen, hidden in the shadows where it dances with the light of your soul.

This is a rich and powerful journey to connect you back to you.  For you to find your core and centre once again and feel the depth and joy of life even in the mundane. In a world that promotes disconnection it is easy to stop hearing the whispers of our soul beckoning us back to our true authentic selves.  She invites you to integrate and embrace all parts of self and experience the richness of your soul.  It is from this space of wholeness that life can flow with a renewed perspective and embodied heart.

This sacred ceremony will be held within a Celtic Medicine Wheel in which you will receive grounded ritual practices, guided journeys and the medicine of Pomegranate to facilitate this beautiful journey back to you. A ceremonial pack will be gifted to you to continue the connection with Lady Pomegranate and support the integration process.

This will be held in person in Mansfield on Saturday the 29th of March at 2:00pm within the Sacred Space holding template of the White Dragon Lineage.


When: Saturday 29th of March 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Where: 53 Mt Battery Rd, Mansfield

Cost: $155 per person including ceremonial pack